Vaginal Birth vs. Cesarean Birth: Which is Right for You? – All Health Wellness | Amazon Affiliate Store
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Vaginal Birth vs. Cesarean Birth: Which is Right for You?


There is no “right” way to have a baby. Whether you have a vaginal birth or cesarean birth, I always say — all birth is birth, and all birth is beautiful! Some mamas have a preference when it comes to how they birth their babies. Some prefer a vaginal birth, while others may prefer to have a cesarean birth. Of course, it’s always recommended to have a conversation with your healthcare provider about these options, what they mean, and how it pertains to your specific pregnancy.

While you may have a preference, sometimes, medical situations arise that may supersede those preferences. Your safety and the safety of your baby are what comes first! There are some pros and cons in each of these options so let’s discuss what they are.

Vaginal Birth vs. Cesarean Birth

When discussing whether a vaginal or cesarean birth is right for you, it’s important to know the facts. As a labor, delivery, and postpartum nurse, I have seen probably thousands of births, and they’re all beautiful! However, there are some differences, and I’m going to explain them here.

Cesarean Birth or C-Section

In 2019, the CDC came out with birth data that found the cesarean birth rate in the United States was about 31.7% and falling. Some cesarean births are planned, some are unplanned, and others are an emergency. That being said, there are some pros to having a cesarean birth.

Pros of C-Section

If it is planned, one perk is knowing the day and time you’ll get to meet your precious baby. This allows for proper planning and can be much more predictable than labor and a vaginal birth.

For mamas with severe anxiety, having a planned cesarean birth can really change the way you experience your birth. It may give you a sense of control in a situation where we really don’t have much control, which can be super helpful for some. In the instance of an unplanned cesarean, having a life-saving procedure can ensure that mom and baby are healthy and safe.

Lastly, women who have a cesarean birth may be less likely to experience stress urinary incontinence after delivery, suffer from vaginal tears and hemorrhoids.

For babies, cesarean birth decreases the chances of birth injuries such as asphyxia (oxygen deprivation), shoulder dystocia, and fractures.

Cons of C-Section

There are, however, cons that come with having a cesarean birth. I find a lack of acknowledgment of the fact that cesarean birth is major abdominal surgery. With that comes an increase in the risk of postpartum complications. These complications range from physical symptoms, such as increased bleeding and pain to surgical infections and blood clots, or emotional health symptoms, such as an increase in postpartum depression and bonding interference due to less frequent direct contact with the baby after delivery. The point of this is not to scare you but again to educate you on the facts!

After a cesarean birth, your hospital stay may be a bit longer as well. This is because your healthcare providers will want to monitor you a bit more closely and ensure your recovery is headed in the right direction. They also want to make sure you feel confident caring for yourself and your baby before going home. After a cesarean birth, doctors recommend not lifting anything heavier than your baby, which can be hard for moms caring for other children at home.

I also like to mention that once there is an incision into the uterus, it can affect subsequent pregnancies and births. However, this doesn’t mean that a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) isn’t an option down the road. Once again, discuss your options with your healthcare provider, and they will be able to add educational information that applies to you.

Vaginal Birth

Approximately 68.3% of deliveries are vaginal births. Many women prefer to have a vaginal birth. But, due to medical complications or safety concerns, your baby may be born another route. So always keep an open mind and remember: nothing will matter once that sweet baby is in your arms!

Pros of Vaginal Birth

The pros of a vaginal birth include fewer postpartum complications and an easier or faster recovery. Not to mention your hospital stay may be shorter, which tends to be a major perk for mamas, especially if you have older children at home.

There is also less potential for complications with future pregnancies.

Additionally, some research shows that breastfeeding success is higher after vaginal birth. This is because having an initial latch within that first hour of life is so important for milk production and bonding. If you’re hoping to breastfeed, no matter your delivery route, tell your care team so they can coordinate appropriately!

And, as crazy as this sounds, if your baby is born vaginally, they are also exposed to healthy bacteria that can boost your newborn’s immune system.

Cons of Vaginal Birth

Though statistically safer, vaginal birth can increase your risk of some injuries. Some include perineal tears or lacerations, pelvic floor injuries or prolapse, urinary incontinence, and hemorrhoids.

Also, the labor and birth process can be exhausting, which can affect how you start your journey into parenthood. Most parents may find that after the labor and birth process, they haven’t slept much. Some can suffer from severe fatigue, which can cause a cascade of events and symptoms.

Further, there are some situations (a woman has a large baby, small pelvis, or long labor) when the baby may be at an increased risk of birth injuries. These can include shoulder dystocia, bone fractures, scalp injuries due to vacuum extraction, or oxygen deprivation.

This information may come as a shock or be frightening, but it is meant to give you the tools you need for your delivery. Being properly informed helps you to advocate for yourself. This helps you can ask the right questions so you can make decisions you’re comfortable with! In a non-emergent situation, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and inquire about options available to you. Educating yourself in the birth process is the first step to empower yourself through motherhood. This means knowing all the available choices, methods, and techniques!


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